Asian One Plane Shot by KKB While Landing in Beoga, Central Papua

Beoga - An Asian One Caravan type aircraft was reportedly shot at by the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) as it was about to land at the Beoga airfield, Puncak Regency, Central Papua.

Danrem 173/PVB Brigadier General Sri Widodo confirmed that there was a shooting at the Beoga airfield on Friday 14 April morning

"It is true that there was shooting at the plane," he said in Jayapura, Friday, April 14, confiscated by Antara.

Danrem 173/PVB said the shots hit the plane with the PK LTF flight code. The front and left side of the plane were pierced by bullets.

"But the plane managed to land in Beoga," he said.

There were no casualties on the part of the Asian One Air airline or the TNI / POLRI and civilians around Beoga airport.

Until now, the situation around Beoga District is still in a state of control and TNI-Polri personnel are still on standby at each post.

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